RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


First Day @ Small Apple Kiddie House

Our first day at Small Apple happened to be quite a dramatic experience. Obviously, Jayden refused to participate in story telling, only focused on the choo-choo-train and railway tracks. When it was time for cleaning up, he was defending his tracks and trains real hard. That's when the struggles began.

When it was time for thematic activities, he wanted to play balls. While we were busy with our activities, he carried a ball, walked up and down, saying "mommy.. gorgor.. jiejie.. ball.. play.." When nobody entertained him, he would try to get attention by throwing the ball to us, throwing on the heads of some kids he wanted to play with, etc.

When it was time for reading books, he participated joyfully in a group of kids. I thought he was busy reading with them. Alas! He tore off the tiger in the 3D book! Once he got it, he quickly looked for me and excitedly he told me that he had a tiger!! How innocent! However, Arbel was upset and a little mad. :o(

Nevertheless, JJ was the noisiest in the whole center. Shouting, yelling, crying, wailing.. Thus, the older kids started to call JJ "jungle boy". Sigh.. I hope he will slowly adapt to the environment of having other kids to play with..

All the kids there are averagely above 4, ranging from 4-8, mostly 5-6.. Other than JJ, only 2 younger kids of 2 and 3, and they are girls. Apparently, girls are not as active as boy. The kids there seem quite different from the kids I am exposed to. They are quite settled and not really active. I am indeed surprised! They don't look like kids at all.. Where is all the childhood playfulness?

All in all, I am still grateful that JJ is not as attached to me as before. When we were in SAL, he didn't even allow me to teach. But now, it is quite different. He still wants my attention, but he does allow me to be busy with other kids. I really hope Jayden will participate in our activities soon as Arbel doesn't like the idea that some other kids are doing something else while the rest are busy with the schedule..


Tandanie said...

Where is this place?

Rachel L said...

Danie, it is in Sri Petaling. :o)