RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...



Nowadays, Jayden will sometimes play by himself while I am busy with my works. Most of the times, he spends his time with his favorite and beloved trains - Thomas, Percy and Terence.

However, this favoritism "crisis" seems to be getting severe. He is so engrossed in his play that he disregards his sleep completely.

For the passed one week, he wakes up very early in the morning just because he wants to play them. He refuses to sleep at night just because he wants to play them. It is getting somewhat worrisome!!

I know at this stage of time, toddlers start to develop strong attitude towards their likes and dislikes. Perhaps it is really nothing to worry about... Hmmm...

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