RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Liftin' n Pullin'

This morning, after bathing time, I play with J as usual. I let him choose his own toys - Patrick Star and Rattles.. Well.. he was just staring at the toys and didn't do anything. When he got bored, I put him on the bed to excite him with other games.

I tried to let J hold my fingers with both hands. He WOWed me by holding and pulling my fingers tight, wanting to pull himself up to sitting position. Well, you'll be surprised, with a little force from my end, he managed to pull himself up and sit, though he was still very unstable in sitting. :P

It is really fun to see him wanting so much to sit.. :)

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