RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...



Since the day before yesterday, J's mitten always fell off his hands.. It's like almost every few minutes, I need to check on his mittens. And sometimes, in less than a minute, it's removed from his hand! Perhaps they were just too loose, since those were newly bought. That's what I thought initially.

However, the secret is revealed today! :) I have figured out why the mittens fall off easily. It's Jayden!!! He has already learned how to take off his mitten by himself! I am so happy to see his new skills, despite it is quite worrysome when the mitten is away as he always scrathes himself.

After taking his bath and "breakfast", it comes to his napping time. When he was asleep, I cut and file his fingernails. Well, his nails are still very sharp even after filing them. :( Thus, every now and then, I keep an eye on his hands, to make sure that he didn't scratch himself.

Yet, it is a very fun and interesting experience to figure out his new learnings. :)

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