RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


J's Cradle

Finally, we've got J a cradle.. well, I am still not sure if J enjoys it because he keeps twisting and turning whenever he is inside the cradle. Looks like he doesn't wanna sleep in it. Also, he needs me to keep swinging him, whenever I stop, he will start moving. Not just that, he also likes to turn upside down in the cradle (his face facing down), thus making a "net-ty look" all over his face.. Sigh..

And guess what, we bought the cradle because we want him to sleep longer and so I don't have to be there to rock him all the time.. But it doesn't seem to work the way I want yet.. Sigh.. :(

Anyway, perhaps J is just not used to it yet.. Let's see how things go after a week or so.. Maybe things will turn the way I want it to be.. and I will be freer to do the things needed to be done.. Hmmm.. need to boost up my efficiency level asap. :)

I didn't manage to get a nice shot of the cradle.. the quality of the pictures taken with my phone camera look a bit ugly.. but well.. hmmm.... the picture was taken when J was having his afternoon nap.. :P

1 comment:

Tandanie said...

Cool! ... Give him time to adjust then...Dont' worry