RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


Seperation Anxiety

I start to feel that J starts to recognize the people around him since about a week ago. And hoping that he will not be too clingy to me, I always bring him out to meet new people and let different people carry him.

However, it seems that the s0-called nightmare comes.. Haha.. It's getting more and more obvious that J is getting clingy to me.. Whenever I let someone else carry him, he will look at me and if I walk away, he will cry..

And not just that, during our badminton session yesterday, he has been crying so hard for as long as my badminton session. And I could hear his super loud cries even though my friends carried him out for a walk so he would not see me..

Oh boy, I wish he will get this seperation anxiety over asap..

1 comment:

Tandanie said...

Rach, it's very common and it'll soon turn to place anxiety... This seperation anxiety will be around for some times... till 3 yrs old! But when babies turn toddler, they will learn that mummy is around although not seen.
Eventually J will grow out of it..