RL Success Journal

Here are the piece and parcel that make up all the little precious and joyous footsteps of my motherhood life in pursue of happiness and success...


My 4 year old

At the age of 4, there are so much to recap and apparently I am a bit lost here. I didn't keep track of his development and milestone as frequent as before, and tend to get a bit messed up as I keep forgetting if I have ever written the down here. :(

Well, for now, his usual activities or interests would be narrating, running, drawing, building things, asking questions, making up stories, pretend play, talking and a lot more physical activities. I guess it is more or less similar to previously, though some are not especially on drawing an building things, but he is a very confident boy now! :) He never admits that he is little but always insists that he is a big boy now, or grown up! :P

He would help with the chores, though only for seconds if not minutes. :P He will easily get frustrated if things couldn't be done (still the same impatient kid!) such as putting on his clothes, buttoning, etc. I am still teaching him about patience, manners, socializing skills, time, and a lot more other routine and lifestyle related stuffs.. oh, and money too! Oh by the way, he has also quite mastered the concept of addition now. :)

His feelings and emotions are developing really well. He can understand people's feelings through body language, and words of course. He is also quite good in taking care of younger kids (according to teachers) and I think he can be a good big brother.. :)

Oh, we have to bring his bag (trolley bag) whenever we go out for shopping or meals. The bag consists of his notebooks, sketch books, colour pencils, colour pens (markers), and some other stationary. It certainly helps and comes in handy while waiting for our food. :)


Jopthomas Prime Reveals

‎"Jopthomas Prime" 

A new nickname I have for Jayden. It's a combination of a his recent favourites. 

Anyone would like to decipher the code? :P You can try your best before looking at the answer below.. I am sure you can get a few of them.. Let's start! :) 

So, why Jopthomas Prime? 

What is Jopthomas Prime? 

J: Jayden
Op: Oppa Gangnam Style
Thomas: Thomas the Tank Engine 
Prime: Optimus Prime 

You got them all right?? :) 


What a sweetheart I am raising!

While walking to the car just now, Jayden ran ahead of me, opened the driver's door, then hurriedly ran across to open the passenger's door, and quickly ran back to the driver's side. When I am there, he asked me to get into the car and closed the door for me before getting into the car from the passenger's side. I wonder where did he learn that! His dad never do that to me! :P What a sweetheart I am raising!!!


Make a Guess

JJ was asking me to search for something in youtube, and below is our conversation. Can you guess what he wanted to search for?

JJ: 妈妈,我要有人有鱼。。

Well, only mommy knows what he is asking for I suppose.. :P

Got your answer ready??? He was asking for a mermaid.. Hehehe.. :P


Instilling Good Manners

It's been a few months back that I am working on teaching Jayden on good manners.. It was a fiasco at first, as he never listened and never seemed to understand. However, I think my persistence and perseverance have taken effect lately.

He has been quite consistently greeting people, apologising when he does something wrong, and saying thank you when he receives a favor. Not just that, he would even thank me (quite frequently) whenever he knows and learns that I am doing something for him.

A good example was like yesterday, I made a double boil orange with salt for him (a friend recommended this as natural therapy for cough). Seriously, we don't like the taste. Anyway, after taking about 3-4 spoons, he said "mommy, we don't want this anymore, ok!?" Then I said, "But we have to finish this. It's good for your cough. An aunty said this is good for cough, after eating this your cough will go away. I make this for you." To my surprise, the little one said "Oh I see. Thank you mom!" And he continued eating till finished.

I am a truly blessed mom.. :o)

Mandarin Kiddo

Since 3 days ago, Jayden has been requesting me to speak with him in Mandarin! I was delighted!! That's the greatest surprise by far as he resisted to whenever I initiated to speak in Mandarin.

It's been 3 days that we are communicating in Mandarin, I am also doing my very best to remind myself as I got so used to speaking in English. One of my goal is to provide a Chinese speaking environment for Jayden by the time we move to Australia, and it seems like my goal is achieved..

Apparently, Jayden is not a native speaker in Mandarin yet, therefore he has a lot of problems constructing sentences and expressing himself. But I am very proud that he is doing his best in doing it, and sometimes he told me: "It's OK mom. I can do it!"

I am super proud of my little sweetheart.. :o)


A Balance Diet

Finally, after years of introducing meats, Jayden starts to like meats. Lately he has been asking for fish, pork, and chicken. Lately, he has been asking for  my all time favourite fried chicken.. drumstick to be specific!!

I was initially rather worried as Jayden didn't like meat at all, and would like to take them out sometimes. There are already a lot of food that Jayden is allergic to, and to be meat-free is not a wise option (I think). I latter feel it was okay since there are too much hormone-grown domestic animals, maybe it is a wise choice not to have too much of meat though.

Even so, I am a bit happy that Jayden is getting more comfortable with meat now. At least I think he is getting a more balance diet.. With plenty of fruits, veges and some meats. :o)


Daddy's Note

Bought a Ribena ready-drink pack from 7-11 for J last night. This morning, he finished it and wanted it more. He went to the fridge to get a bottle of concentrated Ribena and intended to pour it back into his drink pack (he may find it tastier to drink it that way). Daddy joined the mission, tried to hold the tip of a straw and transferred Ribena bit by bit into the drink pack. That's gonna take whole day. Mom suddenly took out an empty soy sauce bottle and daddy nodded at her. Daddy filled up the soy sauce bottle with Ribena and successfully transferred the Ribena back to the drink pack in just seconds. JJ was happy. Sometimes accomplishing a silly task could get a great sense of achievement too



Lately, Jayden alway gives us a lot of heart-melting occasions. Like the other day when I dropped him at BaoBei, when I was on my way out, I heard Jayden yelling "Mommy"!! I made a step back before the stairs, peeped thru the main door  and saw Jayden chased out, with some some tears holding on his reddish eyes, looking at the sliding door.

At the same time, a teacher was trying to close the sliding door between us, telling Jayden that Mommy has left. Before the sliding door was closed, I uttered "Yes?" Then, I saw Jayden's eyes glistening, he looked across, stared at me, and said "I forgot to kiss you mom!!"

Without a second thought, I dashed over to give him a big squeezy hug and kisses. My heart was completely melted.

There was a similar occasion happened to hubby too.

It happened on the another day when Daddy needs to get back to the office at 8.30pm. I was asked to reverse my car for it's blocking his car (front and back parking). Jayden followed us downstairs and as he was eating some mango pickles on his bowls, he said he would sit on the steps and wait for me, while we were keeping an eye on him while moving our vehicles.

When Daddy's car was moved backwards for about 1 meter, suddenly Jayden stood up and yelled at daddy, walking towards his car. Of course, Daddy stopped he car immediately, winded down his window and asked Jayden to go and sit on the steps.

After a while, Daddy got down from the car and gave Jayden a hug and a kiss, before Jayden walked back to the stairs and sat down quietly, continue eating his mango pickles. When I asked Jayden about it later, he said he just wanted to give Daddy a kiss.

Daddy got home at around 11.30pm, but Jayden was soundly asleep by then. When I asked Daddy what happened earlier, he said Jayden said he hasn't kissed Daddy goodbye. We talked about it and obviously Daddy's heart was completely melted too. We just feel we're the luckiest parents in the world to have such a sweetheart child.. Jayden sure brings a lot of sweetness and joys to us.. :o)

Debating over his age

While on the way back from the breakfast, Jayden was telling me that he enjoys watching Mickey Mouse, Goofy and Donald Duck.. Then, I told him that he can meet all of them in Disneyland.. So, we had a little conversation on the way home.. 

Mommy: Hmm.. If everything goes smoothly, maybe we can bring you to Disneyland when you are 5!
Jayden: What is Disney mom?
Mommy: Disneyland is a place with Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Goofy, Donald Duck, Clarabelle Cow, and many more. 
Jayden: I wanna go Disneyland to see Mickey Mouse, Goofy.........Cow
Mommy: Sure.. Let's plan. You are now 3...
Jayden: No! I am 4! I am not 3! Ms Callie said I am 3, I don't like it.. (Ms Callie is his teacher at school). 
Mommy: Well, you are still 3 because your birthday is not here yet.. You are turning 4 really soon, in about 2 months time! When you celebrate your birthday, I will buy you a cake with 4 candles, then you are 4, OK?
Jayden: But mom, I am 4. 


iPad Broken Screen

About two weeks ago, Jayden finally broke the screen of the iPad. For some reasons, I found myself not feeling mad. Perhaps it's because I had mentally prepared myself a while ago that he might break it someday, though I was hoping not. But I felt that it's time to let him know about his responsibilities of taking care of his belongings, as he always took things for granted and never took good care of his belongings.

This was the conversation that took place:
Jayden: Oh no!! Mom! You see.. it's scratched!
Mom: (without looking at the iPad) Yes I know! You scratched it the other day. That's why mom always said you must be careful when handling the iPad.
Jayden: I see.. But mom.. but mom, so many scratches, you see!
Mom: (looking at the iPad) Oh no!! What happened?? Hmm.. Did you drop it or step on it?
Jayden: No...
Mom: Did you drop it at mama's house?
Jayden: Yes..
Mom: Oh no.. You want to "da-da"? Mom told you not to drop it, and now it's broken. Now I must "da-da" you.
Jayden: I don't want to "da-da" mom..
Mom: Go get the cane..
Jayden: (Surprisingly, he really went to get the so-called cane and handed it to me. The cane was a flat stick that I put at home and labelled as a cane)..
Mom: Did mommy tell you not to drop it and you must always handle it with care?
Jayden: Yes.
Mom: Why did you drop it then?
Jayden: I don't know. I don't want to drop it mom.
Mom: So, I need to "da-da" the hand that drop it. Which hand drops the iPad?
Jayden: (Obediently, he took out his hands; being indecisive, he chose the right hand)
Mom: OK.. Now I must "da-da" 5 times ok.
Jayden: (He nodded)

I hit his hand very lightly, then he switched his hand. It continued without him uttering a word. Then, he showed me a sad face and frowned lips with his eyes holding some tears from dropping. Then, I stopped.

Mom: Is it painful?
Jayden: No.. (tears dropped from his eyes)
Mom: If it's not painful, why would you cry?
Jayden: I am sorry, mommy. I don't wanna drop it again. I'm sorry mommy.

I then gave him a hug and kiss. I asked him if he knew what he had done wrong and he said yes. Then I explained to him how he must take good care of his belongings and he nodded.

Actually, I am quite happy (though still feel sad the iPad was broken) with the way I handled this incident, as the results achieved are beyond my expectation. Apparently, Jayden has become more careful than before. He will even clean up his things when I told him it's too messy, or when he found that it's messy (not all the times, but at least half the times). I feel Jayden has become more understanding and more responsible too. My baby is growing up. :o)

Jayden eats Laksa

First time feeding Jayden with Laksa.. As he couldn't stand the spiciness, of every bite of noodle that he takes, he alternates it with a bite of dragonfruit. In between, you'll hear the hissing sound of spiciness that he makes. In the end, he took two sips of laksa soup and that's it.. He said he doesn't want the soup anymore. I found it so hilarious looking at the way he eat!! LOLs.. So far, laksa is the only spicy food that he will continue taking after the first bite.. So I guess he somewhat likes laksa too.. :P


Mommy's Bad Day

After years of contributing to the family, all I got is being labelled as bad mother who spoils my kid.. Truly disappointing to hear this from someone I love so dearly and my so-called pillar of support..  :'(

I just don't understand why some adults are so self-centred as they only see the children based on their expectation, but never willing to understand the reason behind each children behaviour. 

Children are humans too, they do have their own thoughts. They don't have to listen to you every time, but with right nurturing, they can be very cooperative. Before that, first look at yourself, do you respond to them every time when they call you out? If no, do expect the same from them!

I do envy some Mommies with Daddies who support them all the way, well, at least will think twice before using any bad labels to their beloved wives who have contributed their heart and soul to the family. No Mommy deserves to be treated in such a way. 

Well, it's just a bad morning that I have.. And yes, I allow myself to cry the disappointment out.. So the day will get better soon.. :o) 


First Purchase

A few weeks ago, we went to Maximus' house for his brother's full-moon party. Jayden enjoyed himself very much, especially playing with Maximus, who is also his classmate, nevertheless, he enjoyed Maximus' toys too.. :P

Since then on, he kept asking us to buy "Salty" (a Thomas & Friends's train) but Daddy suggested him to buy with his own money. So, we ended counting his money from his savers and finally brought him to Toys R Us to get  his own present.

When we were there, he found a toy set that he played at Maximus' house and he insisted to get it. By borrowing RM10 from me, he got his first present bought with his own savings. Attached is the first toy set he got for himself. :o) 

First Interest in Painting

Yesterday, Jayden surprisingly took out his box of painting tools and started doing his magic.. For the very first time, he spent about an hour sorting out paints, washing brushes, refilling palettes and nevertheless, painting a few colouring pages and getting them air-dried.

First Time Cooking Rice

Jayden cooked rice for me for the first time yesterday, of course, it's under my guidance and supervision. I am surprised that he was interested to help in the kitchen, as he refused to help me every time. The best thing is he enjoyed throughout the session. :o)

Darnest Thing Said

This happened few days ago when we were having a conversation.. 

Jayden said I have a ring.. And I told him that I am married to Daddy.. Then he said he wanna get married to Daddy too..


GongGong is going home

Time was speeding by, without our realization it has come to the day my dad has to go home. The process was a really dramatic and emotional one, especially for our little Jayden. 

In the morning, I told Jayden that GongGong has to go back to his house, and he didn't take it quite seriously not knowing it was for real. However, he did mention that he doesn't want GongGong to go, and he wants GongGong to stay with him. 

When we brought my dad to the bus terminal, Jayden was crying extremely emotionally the moment my dad left our car towards the bus terminal. He kept crying out "I want GongGong", "GongGong cannot go on that bus", "GongGong must come and play with me", "I want GongGong to stay with me", "I want to be with GongGong", "I must follow GongGong, I love GongGong so much", "Why is he so long (what takes him so long to come back)?" and so on. It lasted for about 20-30minutes. 

I seriously never expected this departure would have a great impact on him, afterall, he wasn't really behaving in any way similar to this during our last time together (Chinese New Year). Even though back then he did mention that he wanted to go and find GongGong once in a while after we left hometown. This time around is just too unexpected... 

I was too emotionally disturbed by him that I burst into tears too.. Every separation is a heavy moment, but I am glad that our little buddy has so much emotional attachment to GongGong who he has met only 3-4times.  I am sure he does feel the love GongGong has for him. 

I miss my dad so much too.. :'(


Conversation with Aunty Katherine

Today, Aunty Katherine came for a visit, well practically to fetch our poodle Rocker.. She is adopting him as we are planning to find him a new trustworthy owner before we leave for good.

During her visit, there were two impactful conversation between Jayden and Aunty Katherine. First conversation took place right they met:

Katherine: Hello Uncle! (greeting my Dad who came here for a visit)
Jayden: No!! He is not Uncle!! He is Gong-Gong..

The second conversation took place right before she left:

Katherine: I like you hair.. Your hair is so nice.
Jayden: No.. I'm a handsome boy..


Enjoyable Salon Visit

This afternoon, I suddenly decided to bring Jayden for a haircut, instead of waiting for another week. Surprisingly he agreed to it when I asked him.

Our salon visit was PERFECT!! Woohoo~ It was 100% calm and relax.. without a single cry, struggle, resistance, or any of such.. Just AWESOME!!!

Here are some pictures of our handsome buddy.. :o)
Side view

Front view

Relax pose

Negotiation Skill

Mommy: J, you wanna wash your Bluey (his fav soft toy that he carries to bed)?
Jayden: No!!!!! I don't want!!
Mommy: Why?? I think Bluey is sooo stinky and dirty.
Jayden: You wanna wash your bolster? You want???
Mommy: Hmmm... (what the.............. speechless)

He is getting really good in negotiating and escaping my questions now.. :S


No Naptime

Today is the second time Jayden didn't take a noon nap. The first time was a while ago, which I couldn't remember when.

Since he is on school holiday, there are plenty of unburned energy in him, hence he refused to take a nap lately. Finally, his wish was granted today as I had to leave him at MIL's place due to two reasons:

  • He didn't want to come home saying that he 'needs' to play with his cousins
  • I didn't bring my laptop along as I never thought we would stay through the afternoon
  • I need to get my works done for the clients so no matter what I need to get home
Pitying his condition that he would be bored playing alone at home, I willingly decided to let him stay at MIL's house for a couple of hours. He promised me that he would take a nap later. 

I left at 2.30pm and arrived before 6pm, the first thing when I stopped my car, he was waving to me excitedly. When I got off the car, he told me "Mom, I take a nap already." Later, his cousin brother said "No, he didn't!"

He continued playing until we had our dinner, we left home at around 7.30pm. It was my mistake as I swore to leave before 7pm and I missed it. And guess what, on the way leaving MIL's house, he kept telling me that he was so tired, he needed to sleep, he couldn't walk anymore, etc. Poor little boy..

On the way home, Jayden almost dozed off several times, I practically have to keep disturbing him i.e. making funny sound, pretend something exciting was going on on the road that he shouldn't miss, playing his favorite songs, shaking him tickle him, well, anything you can think of. 

Finally, we got home and I hurriedly showered him and quickly cleaned myself. We are off to bed at 8.30pm. Poor little boy was exhausted but he kept rolling on the bed.. I have no choice but to change my intonation into 'angry mode' and then, he felt asleep at 9pm. 

Lesson learn: If he wakes up at 9am and didn't take a noon nap, we must reach home by 7pm so he can get to bed at 8pm. Else he will have difficulties falling asleep.

Where is popo?

JJ: Mom, can I see snow? I wanna see Santa Claus.
M: It's not snowing here. Next time we go and find popo, it's snowing there..
JJ: Mom, where is popo?
M: Popo is in the United States.
JJ: Where is U...ted States?
M: It's America.
JJ: Same like the movie? Like the Captain America?
M: Yes.. (the only relevant America to him is Captain America)..


Counting 1-20

Jayden is still learning in expanding his counting skills.. Here is what he has acquired:
1, 2, 3,.......................10, 11, 12, 14, 15 (five-teen), 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.

As usual, number 13 is always missing, and number 15 is always pronounced as "five-teen". LOLs


Yellow skin

After playground:
Mommy: J, wash both of your hands please.. They are so dirty..
Jayden: I washed already, mom.
Mommy: Come here.. Oh no.. Look, it's so dirty.. Your hands are black!
Jayden: It's not black. It's still yellow, mom..
Mommy: (speechless... and I wonder where did he learn about yellow skin)


Another speechless conversation

A few days ago, I was telling Jayden how much I like his soft silky hair: "J, I love your hair so much.. Can I have your hair please?"

Just then, Jayden turned his head to face me with a serious expression and slightly frown eyebrow: "No, you can't mom! Later you will be a boy.. You are a girl, not a boy!"

It's yet another conversation that made me laughed so hard yet speechless at the same time. :o) 


Fighting Sleeps

Lately, I found that Jayden has been having hard time sleeping.. I guess it is the symptom of the well-known "preschoolers fighting sleep syndrome".

Not only he tends to sleep very late, he is also having hard time sleeping. Like yesterday, he was struggling to sleep from 10pm till almost 12am before dozing off!! The day before, we went to bed at 9pm, and he only dozed off passed 11pm. Things that he would do during light-off are rolling, whispering, giggling, talking, somersaulting (attempts), etc.

Another thing I figured out was he refused to go to the bathroom without lights.. or the least, he insisted to have the lights turned on before going in to do his business.. well this took place since a while ago.. And a lot of time, he wanted to be accompanied, though he didn't insist sometimes. Thankfully! :p



Jayden has a best friend at BaoBei. His best friend happened to be a little girl called LiYing, either same age or slightly younger than him.

While picking him up from BaoBei yesterday, Teacher NiNi told me that Jayden got jealous when the other boy (korkor) held LiYing's hand. He would separate them apart when the boy held her, everytime.

Finally, it was time to go home and LiYing's mommy was there to pick her up. Again, the boy held LiYing's hand and this time, Jayden went up to him, split them apart and told the guy "She wants to go home!!!"

Our Fun Conversation

Yesterday Jayden and I had a conversation in the car:
M: J, I bought you a big bed!
J: I don't want the big bed. I don't like it. I like the one with rabbit and tweety bird..
M: Oh.. but that small bed is too small for you! You are a big boy now..
J: I am not big boy, I am so small..
M: Well, the small bed is for babies you know..
J: (paused for a while) Hmm... for baby Jaymie?? Can I give to baby Jaymie mom?
M: Yes, that's right! You wanna give it to baby Jaymie again?
J: Ya.. Then I bring baby Jaymie to Teacher Meithin..
M: Why do you bring baby Jaymie to Teacher Meithin?
J: Because she likes it..
M: You think Teacher Meithin likes babies? What about you? Do you like baby sister or baby brother?
J: I like.. baby sister.. (smile sheepishly)
M: You sure?
J: (giggling cheekily) I like baby brother... and baby sister.. (continue his giggles)


Man vs Woman

While we were watching a movie together..

JJ: Mommy, you are a man?
M: No, I am a woman. 
JJ: You are a woman, I am a man?
M: Yes, you are right!
JJ: Hello woman!! (at me)

A Note from Daddy

A note from Daddy:

J has discovered a new way to grab my attention.
J: "Daddy, come over here"
Me: "Why?"
J: "Come here, I want to love you"
~~~~ It works out pretty well so far... I'm a loser



While watching movie just now:

Daddy: Shit!
Jayden: Don't say shit! Say Sweet!!
Daddy: oh sorry.. Sweet!

Not long after..
Mommy: Shhhh......
Jayden: Mommy, don't say shit! Say sweet..

I'm glad that he is getting really good at it.. And yes, he has been saying sweet everytime.. :o)


Growing Up!

I was telling Jayden that he will one day grow as big as Daddy and Mommy, or even bigger and taller than us. Then, he was complaining that he didn't grow big, and I have to explain to him that he will grow big bit by bit, slowly.

After that, we were sharing on a big bowl of dragon fruits. And in between our conversations, this come across:

Mommy: Tomorrow we need to buy more fruits.. This dragon fruit is the last that we have.
Jayden: Buy more fruits? And grow big?
Mommy: Yes.
Jayden: Mommy, you don't eat.. (took the bowl away and put on his lap) I eat first.. I grow big first OK!
Mommy: (Muahahahaha.. I am spechless!!!)

From Shoot to Sweet

While on our way to Hummingbird this morning:

Mommy: Oh shoot!!
JJ: You say sweet!!
Mommy: Sweet? You mean I cannot say shoot?
JJ: Yea
Mommy: Oh Okay...


From Shit to Sweet

While we were on our way to BaoBei today, Jayden was playing the racing car games on my iPad2. Our interesting conversation started when he burst...

JJ: Shit!!
Mommy: Sweet!!! Remember, mommy said you can say sweet when something happen?
JJ: (sigh)
Mommy: Mommy say cannot use that word right? It is not nice to say that word.. It is very rude.. and people don't like to hear it. 
JJ: Later mommy will get angry..
Mommy: Yes.. You know mom will get angry if you use this word right..

After a while, Jayden lost another game:
JJ: S.......it!!
Mommy: Sweet!!
JJ: I said sweet already mom.
Mommy: Oh you did? You said sweet? I didn't hear it clearly.. Sorry.
JJ: It's OK mom.
Mommy: Good job!! You learn fast!


Another message from Daddy

Another message from Daddy about our conversation during dinner last nite:

Mom: Oh, there's an ant died inside the drink, don't drink it
Me: Come J, take mine. Mine doesn't have ant inside.... because I ate it :P
While I thought I was being funny..
J: I want to eat the ants like daddy!! 

What Daddy didn't write on the message is, right after he heard that: 
Daddy: Daddy was just joking with you! I didn't eat the ant.. There was no ant in my drink!!


A Message from Daddy

This is a message from Daddy in Facebook:
Last night, J darted out from shower room right after his shower to grab the balloon underneath the table. Ping! He hit his head on the glass dinning table and bleed severely on his right eyebrow. Mom quickly gave him 'first aid'. 
Before J's wound was cleaned up, he got up and walked to the table to get the balloon again. I scolded him, "You still want to take that balloon after all this!!" He took the balloon over and said, "It's for you"


Skipping on one foot

If I am not mistaken, about 5 months ago, Jayden was still trying hard to find a balance to stand on one foot.

And not knowing exactly when he managed to master that skill of standing on one foot, today I come to realize that this little boy of mine can even jump on one foot for for a good 3-5jumps at a time before standing on both feet!!

Wow.. I must have missed out a lot of his milestone.. :o)


My Forgiving Boy

Today, JJ was scratched by a friend at school. When I asked him what happened to his face, this is our conversation: 

[he pretend to punch my face and said] 
J: Jayden Wong hit like this!! Like this!!
M: Oh no.. it must have hurt a lot!!!! Let me giv u a hug. Was it painful?
J: Yes (tilt his head down)
M: But I am sure you are OK, because you are a strong boy. Are you a strong boy? :)
J: Yes, I'm a strong boy.  

[on the way to the car]
M: Did he say sorry?
J: Yes.. he say sorry and hug me..

[while in the car]
J: Mommy, it's not painful anymore

That's my boy! My little forgiving boy. :)


Daddy's trick

This morning, Daddy had this conversation with Jayden:

Daddy: Jayden, you like Daddy or Mommy?
Jayden: Mommy.
Daddy: Do you like Daddy or Mommy better?
Jayden: Mommy.
Daddy: Do you wanna go swimming?
Jayden: Yes.
Daddy: Do you like Daddy or Mommy?
Jayden: Daddy........... (pause for a while).......... and Mommy..
Daddy: No.. Only can choose one..
Jayden: Daddy..............and Mommy..

Mommy: Ahahahahahahahah

Let Go

Finally, the day has come.. Jayden is no longer crying since yesterday when I drop him at BaoBei.. A very good improvement over a week.. :o)

And he has been speaking some single word Mandarin with us recently. Early this week, teacher told me he can recognize a few words: 爸爸,妈妈,口。And at Hummingbird, Ms Callie said he can recognize the word: 明。

Hopefully he will be able to speak Mandarin soon.. Hehehe.. :o)


Lesson of the day: Do not trust kids in keeping secret!!!

Like I always say, February is a month full of LOVE celebration for us. First is Valentine's Day, then come Hubby's Birthday, next our Anniversary!

As our 8th anniversary is just around the corner, did I just say 8th!? Wow!! Time flies!!

Again, as our 8th anniversary is just around the corner, I bought a little present for hubby and was wrapping it up the other day. Jayden came to notice it and asked me why was I wrapping a present. Without any precautions, I told him that it's a surprise present for Daddy for our anniversary.

Once I was done wrapping, I kept it in my cupboard (it is a place that Daddy wouldn't open in a million days!). Yesterday morning, while I was changing my clothes and Daddy was busy in the study room, suddenly Jayden was pulling Daddy's hand all the way from the study room to the bedroom, then I hear this:

Jayden: Daddy come.. I show you.. You see.. Your present.. Come, I show you..
Daddy: Where you wanna go?

I guess Daddy still doesn't know what he was talking about as Daddy follow blindly.. At this moment, his words haven't come to my senses yet!!! Not until... Jayden opened my cupboard and pointed the present at the top of the shelf:

Jayden: You see!! Your present!!!

In a lightning speed of a nanosecond before I can utter a single word, Daddy took the present and turned to ask me: Is this for me??

Mommy: Oh no!!! Jayden!!! How can you tell daddy?? You promised me not to tell him.. it's a surprise!!! Well, no more... :o(

This is the conversation that took place before the day of the incident:
Jayden: What's this mom? Why? Why you make this present?
Mommy: Why I wrap this present you mean? It's a surprise present for Daddy, our 8th anniversary is coming soon so I am giving him a surprise present.
Jayden: It's for Daddy!
Mommy: Yes. But you cannot tell him that I got him a present ok! I wanna give him a surprise. Don't tell him ok!
Jayden: Okay!

Lesson learned: Do not trust kids in keeping secrets!!! Arghhh...


While Jayden was busy playing his toys in the living room, there were loud noises of children screaming and shouting cheerfully coming from the playground. 

Excitedly, Jayden stood up and said " Wow, mom, there are many children at the playground.. Let me go and see.."

Then he went to the balcony and said loudly to the kids.. "Hello!!! Hello!! I am here!!! What you doing?". Though it's not too surprising, but there are some kids greeted him with loud "Hello!!" 

Apparently my sweetheart was happy to receive replies from the children. He then walked back and forth at the balcony. Next I heard Jayden said "Hey, what's going on!? I can't hear you.."


Growing Appetite

As usual, he will crave for food every 2 hourly, be it meals or snacks as long as there is something edible for him. Not jut that, he has better appetite now and just now he surprised me again!!

He had a bowl of cereal with milk at around 615pm and when I asked him if he still wants noodle soup, he said yes. I thought he was just pulling my legs. I served him noodle soup slightly before 7pm and by now, he has finished the whole bowl. He must be really really hungry.. Hehehe.. 

Bao Bei

Today is Jayden's third day attending BaoBei (a Chinese language enrichment center) - Until today, he will cry the moment I leave, and refuse to go home whenever I arrive. He is very good with NiNi LaoShi and JingJing LaoShi, and he told me that they are very nice and he likes them. There are a few typical questions I asked him after his lessons, and he always answers me with the same typical answers:
    • Did you have fun today? Yes
    • Are you enjoying the class? Yes
    • What did you do at BaoBei? bla bla bla dance bla bla.. bla bla sing song bla bla jump bla bla (he did a lot of explanation with great body gestures
    • Do you wanna go to BaoBei again? Yes
    • Great! Then you shouldn't cry when we come to BaoBei tomorrow ok!? Okay!

Silly Daddy

This morning J tried to help me to flush the toilet, it didn't work because he doesn't have enough strength to press the flusher.

Jayden: Oh, it's has no more battery.
Daddy: No, it doesn't require battery, it's your battery that's not enough. You need to eat more to build your battery.
Then, J walked away and said: "Silly daddy"
Daddy: *silent*


The Art of Pedalling

Finally, Jayden can pedal his tricycle. He can pedal forward and pedal backwards too! Hahaha..

Guess getting him a bike for his 4th birthday would be a great idea. It's getting exciting.. Really can't wait to experience the days where we can go biking together in the park. :o)


Mommy's sticker

Jayden kissed my leg, then pointed at the spot he kissed and said "Mommy, this is your sticker."

My heart just melted... So sweeeet!!!!!!


Nap on the Bed

First time JJ naps on his big boy bed instead of the cradle.. This was wat going on before the nap:

JJ: Mommy, I don't wanna sleep on the cradle. I wanna sleep on the bed.
Mommy: Why? It's cooler to sleep on the cradle.. and you will sleep longer..
JJ: Because I am a big boy now (whle saying that he flips up his shirt and shows me his tummy and chest)
Mommy: Mmmm... Okay. But if you don't fall asleep, I will still put you on the cradle.
JJ: Okay mommy.

JJ, I'm so proud of you!! ~ ~ ~ Love - mommy


Turn off the dark???

Mommy: Go and refill some water...

Jayden: Okay...

So Jayden got his cup and went into the kitchen.. then he came back and said to me..

Jayden: Dark... It's so dark mommy.. Can you turn off the dark pleaseeeee???
Mommy: (paused... speechless) Turn off the dark? It's turn on the light!!!


Talking through his microphone (on his jammer):

Jayden: Hello snale.. I'm so sorry I didn't call you...

Curious mommy is wondering.. "Who is 'snake'??"
Later I found out that he saw a snake on the TV... ishhhh... :S


Conversation of the day

JJ: Oh no.. DogDog come in quietly and gentle...
Mom: Oh, you mean DogDog comes in quietly and gently?
JJ: No.. Quietly and gentle..
Mom: >.<" (speechless)


It's been a while by now that Jayden needs me to be around while sleeping.. To the extend that he will wake up from the bed if he found me not around, and usually it happens very often. :o(

Not just that, he will need to hold my hand to sleep everyday. It's like he couldn't fall asleep without holding my hand. Well, it is sweet at one point, too dependent on me on the other. I wonder when would we be able to train him to sleep on his bed giving such circumstance.

Perhaps we will be able to work something out when we decide to have the second one coming...

What day is today?

JJ paused from his choo-choo play.. Then he said:

JJ: What day is today mom? Today is... Friday?
Mom: No.. Today is.. Tuesday!
JJ: Oh alright... Today is Tuesday!

Then he continued playing his choo-choo trains with lots of narrations, singing, and musics for different scenes.. :P


Nag nag nag.

While on the way home from MIL's house yesterday, Jayden insisted to sit at the back instead of his car seat. He rushed all the way to the back, sat down, and hurriedly buckled up. Being a bad mom, I gave in and spoilt him.

Before I got the car moving, he started saying something which initially I wasn't paying attention to. For some reason, it suddenly came to my senses that he was talking to me and he had spoken a lot of things (which I didn't hear). These are the last few sentences that I hear and see:

"I say I sit at the back. I need to buckle up.. See I buckle up now.. Why don't you listen?"

While saying that last sentence, he had his hand held in a fist with the pointer finger crookedly pointed upwards.. It was a serious look!! Hahahahahaha.. Until now, I couldn't forget that serious look..

Words that drive mommy speechless

One fine day around a week before Chinese New Year, I was rushing Jayden to clean up. He was running all over the house naked, trying to get me to chase him. It somewhat gotten me to my nerve, so we had a little conversation: 

Mommy: Why can't you just listen to me and get yourself cleaned up? Do you have to do this everytime? I am super angry now you know.. I am sooooo angry that I will get the cane and whip you later!!

Jayden: Don't say like this mommy.. 

Mommy: (Muahahaha... laughing so hard in my heart while daddy was already laughing!!!) Oh.. I am sorry. But you need to be cooperative ok.. 

On another day after, a similar incident happen that I told him that I was angry.. Again, innocently, he told me: "Don't say like this mommy, it's not nice..."

My son is really good at making people speechless!!!! :P


Happy New Year 2012

Wishing everyone and nevertheless myself a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012!!! 

On the very first day of 2012, Jayden and I have many wonderful conversations.. One of them that keeps repeating in my mind is: 

Jayden: Mommy, I wanna buy a firetruck.. The Thomas firetruck..
Mommy: Oh, I don't have anymore money.. I think we buy it next time OK. 
Jayden: Daddy has money.. Daddy buy..